Henry Ford
Ford Motor Company
28.01.2025, 04:55
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  Основанная в июне 1903 года новая компания "Ford Motor Company" предлагала свой первый автомобиль "Model A", которая тогда называлась просто "Форд". Эта модель выпускалась до 1904 года, когда она была заменена "Model C". Ниже приводится репродукция оригинальной брошюры "Ford Motor Company".

T H E   F O R D
H I G H G R A D E O N  A N Y  G R A D E

688-692 Mack Avenue
Detroit, Michigan

Always a Winner

  Ten or twelve years ago self-propelled vehicles were "curiosities" regarded by the majority of people as the passing fad of the fashionable world and not to be taken in the least degree seriously or considered as a practical, permanent improvement in transportation.
  This might no doubt have been the outcome of the craze had the promoters and builders of the first clumsy, unreliable "autos" been content and rested from their labors.
  There is no goal but perfection; the forward progress of the automobile in the past few years has been something little short of marvelous.
  Thanks largely to the genius and labor of American inventors and engineers, we are to-day confronted by a low-priced, practical automobile which is perfect in construction; one by one drawbacks have been removed—obstacles overcome—complications simplified— expensiveness combated—turn by turn the steepest hills of difficulties have been climbed —almost perpendicular gradients surmounted, and to-day—on top of the heap—first in speed, safety, simplicity—in comfort, durability and economy stands—


High Grade on any Grade

  The Ford derives its name from the fact that it is the crowning achievement of the well-known inventor, Mr. Henry Ford, vice-president and general manager of this company.
  This gentleman has been identified with gas engine construction as pertaining to automobiles since '92, when he built his first machine, which is still in active use and doing satisfactory work.   Mr. Ford has never ceased in his endeavors to produce a perfect automobile; from time to time he has built at least a dozen different machines only to see fresh opportunities for improvement, where most men would have rested on self-satisfied "oars."
  With this Ford Motor—his latest achievement in "auto-construction," he has produced a double cylinder engine which is perfect in construction and efficiency, and for the first time in his career has consented to lend his name to a make of automobile.
  Mr. Ford will be remembered by all automobile sportsmen and chauffeurs as being the builder of the famous No. 999, which still holds the world's speed record obtained in 1902 (on Grosse Pointe track, Detroit) making the mile in 1-1-1-5.

  He also it was who built the machine which holds the world's championship for 25 miles made on a circular track in 1901, and which record has never been equaled.

Makes every Road a Boulevard

  Our purpose is to construct and market an automobile specially designed for everyday wear and tear—business, professional and family use; an automobile which will attain to a sufficient speed to satisfy the average person without acquiring any of those breakneck velocities which are so universally condemned; a machine which will be admired by man, woman and child alike for its compactness, its simplicity, its safety, its all-around convenience and—last but not least—its exceedingly reasonable price, which places it within the reach of many thousands who could not think of paying the comparatively fabulous prices asked for most machines.
   Who can't afford an automobile? We know we have succeeded in our purpose and we want you to investigate further.
  Physicians, Contractors, Lawyers, Insurance Agents, Business Men, etc., etc., you may look long, and look at everything in the auto line, but after you're through with your investigations and are ready to purchase, we know you will come back to the Ford.

Clean as a Whistle

  In placing the Ford on the market the company has been exceedingly fortunate in securing the services of some of the foremost engineers, designers and draughtsman in the business as well as a corps of practical machinists second to none in America in the construction of parts for automobiles.

  The company have acted in the belief that it is impossible to exercise too great care in this regard, fully realizing that the entire success of the enterprise depends upon the accuracy and finish of the machinery seconding and bearing out the principle of the inventor to convince all-comers of the supremacy of the Ford.

Machinery and Material
  None but the latest and most approved machinery is used in the construction of the various parts of the mechanism of the Ford, while all material is specially tested and chosen by experts before being used in construction.

Free from Drawbacks
  All of those little drawbacks of smell, noise, jolt and similar inconveniences common to so many other makes of auto-carriages, have been entirely eliminated from the Ford and will go a long way with many people towards making the Ford the most popular machine manufactured.

Every part means something

  Is one of the strongest talking points we can put up for the Ford; it is hard to break and easy to fix.
  It is made of few parts and every part means something.
  No superfluities, no fads.
  It is easy to run, to start, to steer and to stop.
  All perfect things are simple, so is the Ford.

  We make no claims for the Ford which actual, extraordinary and many-times repeated tests do not more than bear out.

  No gradient, rough road or unusual conditions appeared to have any effect on the efficiency and strength of our motor, while the stability and buoyancy of the elliptic springs afforded the highest degree of comfort to the operators throughout the entire series and during the severest tests.
  The only possible conclusion from these preliminary trials was that beyond all question the Ford was a perfect automobile for everyday satisfaction, for strenuous service and for strict economy of maintenance.

First-class—Never Out-classed

Size and Balance
  The wheel base is 6 feet and the tread 4 feet 7 inches, the long wheel base is an excellent feature inasmuch as it tends to keep the body of the automobile steady when passing over uneven pavements.
  The motor is suspended with a view to having the weight equally distributed upon each of the two axles, and in this feature the designers have been entirely successful. The balance is perfection.

Gasoline Motors are the only efficient, practical and economical motors yet discovered for propelling automobiles.
  Gasoline is cheap, it is obtainable wherever you go; enough can be carried in small compass to do for long distances. It generates most horse power for least money and take it all in all, is very much the safest, most practical and most convenient motive power that can be used.

The Engine   All similarly propelled automobiles look, generally speaking, very much alike.
  It is in the engine, the motive tower, that the difference usually lies.
  And—back of the engine is the principle of its construction!

  The principle of a Ford engine makes possible the maximum amount of work with the minimum friction and vibration, which is what all the world has been looking for ever since the first automobile engine was constructed.

Start when you choose—arrive on time

To be Technical
  The motor is of the double opposed cylinder, water cooled type (4 in. bore by 4 in. stroke) and develops eight horse power; the cylinder, with its water-jacket and head, is cast in one piece, thus avoiding packed joints, and the valve parts and pipe connections are very symmetrically arranged beneath the engine.
  All the accessories of each engine are interchangeable with its mate.
  The exhaust and inlet valves are of a uniform size and mechanically operated by a single set of cams and two to one gear wheels encased in the main crank case where they are freely lubricated.
  The working parts are few in number and not in the least complicated.
  Cylinders are cast from hard gray iron of the best quality.

  We have given considerable attention to simplifying the sparking mechanism and have also provided a liberal quantity of two sets of six dry-cell batteries, which are sufficient for all occasions and emergencies.
  Another instance of forethought and our determination to give the best.

No details forgotten

  Ford pistons after being turned are ground to size, to a micrometer gauge.
  Piston rings are cut before being ground to size, which results in perfectly true bearing throughout the entire circumference.

  Cranks are perfectly enclosed in a central housing and are so made as to entirely prevent oil-leakage.
  As for dust-proofness—they are built to defy anything and everything in that line.
  The Gasoline Tank is large enough for a 100-mile supply and is conveniently placed for filling.
  It has a catch basin to exclude water or particles of dirt.
  The water is circulated by a centrifugal pump through a large copper disc coil cooler in front of automobile; this makes ample provision for keeping an even temperature in all weathers.
  That's it—the Ford is built for all roads and all seasons.
  There are twelve months in the year and the Ford is good in all of them.

More noiseless than most

Oiling Device
  Considerable thought and expense has been devoted to overcoming the troubles which heretofore have accompanied the oiling arrangements in automobiles.
  Hitherto the liability to forget to turn oil on or off, the objectionable use of an oil can or grease cup, the overflowing of oil when engine is stationary, the disagreeable odor when motor starts without proper lubrication, and also the liability of a deposit on the spark plugs are things which have caused professional and amateur chauffeur alike many a "cuss word" in the past.
  We have entirely overcome every one of these and kindred objections by an ingenious device.

  This oiling device consists of a cylinder of 3 pints capacity, with sight feeds attached.
  This cylinder is mounted on the central housing, from which location a sufficient and steady pressure is procured to regulate the flow of oil on the various bearings.
  The flow of oil is turned on or off entirely automatically by the simple act of starting or stopping the engine.

Hard to break—Easy to fix

  The transmission gear is one of the most novel features of the Ford.
  It has proven as practically feasible as it appeared theoretically plausible.
  Only five gears are used, and none of these are internal.
  The gearing is very simple and is contained in and protected by an oil-tight, dust-proof case about 9 in. in diameter by 5 in. in length.

Transmission Gear Case

Section of Transmission Gear Case

  The controlling lever beside the seat operates the brake bands on the transmission case.
  The gear on the shaft causes the gears in mesh inside the transmission case to revolve similarly to a lathe gear—that is, in proportion to the ratio of the four gears in motion.
  The reverse is very conveniently placed, being operated by the pedal.

High Grade on any Grade

  The gear on the driving shaft attains the highest speed. The gears and case revolve quite slowly, which reduces noise and adds greatly to the life of the machine.
  When the controlling lever is thrown forward the transmission becomes locked with the fly-wheel allowing everything to revolve at the speed of the fly-wheel and no gears are in motion.

  More or less speed is then obtained by the actuation of the pedal which operates the carburetor.
  All moving parts of the transmission are provided with bronze bushings.

Makes every Road a Boulevard

Compensating Gear
  The rear axle contains the compensating gear and is of specially neat design, being enclosed and bolted together. which allows easy accessibility.
  The compensating gear case is provided with a brake which is made to allow of "take up" after wear.
  The compensating gear itself consists of special cut drop-forged bevel gears.
  All moving parts have bronze bushings.
  The axle is supported by two trusses.

The Chain   We furnish as an important item of the Ford's splendid equipment, the very best roller chain obtainable, insuring minimum friction and great durability.
  Another link in our "chain" of argument. Chain Adjustment
  The mode of adjusting the chain is unique, inasmuch as the rear spring always remains parallel to the frame.
  The strut rod remains the same length and is fastened to a platform which is clipped to the rear spring.
  The adjustment is made by sliding back the rear axle.

Will never "jar" you

  The body of the Ford is thoroughly in keeping with the high grade character of the rest of the carriage.
  Specially selected and well-seasoned material is used in the construction, while the springs, upholstering, minor appointments, etc., are all that could be desired, both from the view point of stylish appearance and luxurious comfort.

  The body rests upon four elliptic springs of special design and great strength and buoyancy.
  They insure the acme of comfort and ease to all passengers on the Ford.
Wheels and Tires
  The Ford is equipped with Standard Artillery wooden wheels, with deep steel rims fitted for a single tube tire 28x3.

Body and Running Gear Separate
  This is a specially good feature as it is often convenient to be able to get at the working parts of the machine without much trouble.
  With this idea in view we have attached the body to the framework as simply as possible.
  By merely loosening half-a-dozen bolts the upper structure may be easily removed without disturbing the mechanism.
  The body is entirely separate and independent of the running gear.

  We often hear quoted the old proverb, "Time is money"—and yet how few business and professional men act as if they really believed its truth.
  Men who are constantly complaining of shortage of time and lamenting the fewness of days in the week—men. to whom every five minutes wasted means a dollar thrown away—men to whom five minutes delay sometimes means the loss of many dollars—will yet depend on the haphazard, uncomfortable and limited means of transportation afforded by street cars, etc., when the investment of an exceedingly moderate sum in the purchase of a perfected, efficient, high-grade automobile would cut out anxiety and unpunctuality and provide a luxurious means of travel ever at your beck and call.
  Always ready, always sure.
  Built to save you time and consequent money.
  Built to take you anywhere you want to go and bring you back again on time.
  Built to add to your reputation for punctuality; to keep your customers good humored and in a buying mood.
  Built for business or pleasure—just as you say.
  Built also for the good of your health—to carry you "jarlessly" over any kind of half decent roads to refresh your brain with the luxury of much "out-doorness" and your lungs with the "tonic of tonics"—the right kind of atmosphere.

  It is your say, too, when it comes to speed. You can—if you choose—loiter lingeringly through shady avenues or you can press down on the foot-lever until all the scenery looks alike to you and you have to keep your eyes skinned to count the milestones as they pass.
  Aren't you interested?
  Convinced, perhaps.

Physicians especially can ill-afford to lag behind the times. To no branch of labor should the efficient automobile appeal more strongly or more successfully.
  The busy physician has no business undergoing the fatigue and excitement so often attendant on driving by turns a weary or spirited horse to the houses of his patients.
  He needs quiet nerves, calm self-possession in his business and the Ford is the ideal carriage for his purpose.

  Will you not write us and ask us for further information on any points which do not seem quite clear to you?
  There is no time like the present. If you are not convinced of the superiority of the Ford give us a chance to convince you.
  We can do it.
  Write us to-day.



Tonneau complete, handsomely furnished, spring backs and seats, $100.00
Leather Top, cloth lined, made of high grade leather, complete with side curtains and lights, also storm apron, $50 00
Rubber Top, made of first quality of goods, complete with lined side curtains, side lights and apron, $30.00

All machines F. O. B. Detroit.
All remittances should be made by Exchange on New York or by Express Money Order or P.0. Money Order.
Orders executed in rotation as received.
Orders should be accompanied by 20 per cent. of price—remainder on delivery at your express office.

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